

A client for the Unleash feature toggle system.

UnleashClient.__init__(url, app_name, instance_id, refresh_interval, metrics_interval, disable_metrics, custom_headers)


Argument Description Required? Type Default Value
url Unleash server URL Y String N/A
app_name Name of your program Y String N/A
instance_id Unique ID for your program N String unleash-client-python
refresh_interval How often the unleash client should check for configuration changes. N Integer 15
metrics_interval How often the unleash client should send metrics to server. N Integer 60
disable_metrics Disables sending metrics to Unleash server. N Boolean F
custom_headers Custom headers to send to Unleash. N Dictionary {}
custom_strategies Custom strategies you'd like UnleashClient to support. N Dictionary {}


Initializes client and starts communication with central unleash server(s).

This kicks off: Client registration Provisioning poll * Stats poll


Gracefully shuts down the Unleash client by stopping jobs, stopping the scheduler, and deleting the cache.

You shouldn't need this too much!


Checks if a feature toggle is enabled.

Notes: * If client hasn't been initialized yet or an error occurs, flat will default to false.

UnleashClient.is_enabled(feature_name, context, default_value)


Argument Description Required? Type Default Value
feature_name Name of feature Y String N/A
context Custom information for strategies N Dictionary {}
default_value Default value of feature. N Boolean F